Leufen Medical GmbH
Gustav-Krone-Str. 7 — D-14167 Berlin
+49 30 816 90 93 00
+49 30 816 90 93 93
Legal venue / registered office: Berlin
AG (local court): Berlin-Charlottenburg
HRB 156172
VAT ID number: DE274448283
Managing director: Marcus A. Eisenhut
The information and statements on this website are provided to the best of knowledge, taking into account the current state of the art.
The choice of appropriate treatment methods and medical devices (including indications and contra-indications) is at the physician’s discretion.
For product related questions please contact your local distributor or our international sales team.
Before use, always read the instructions for use enclosed with the product!
Technical service and support:
form4 GmbH & Co. KG
Schlesische Straße 26
10997 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 278784-00
E-Mail: info(a)